Hoard It! (Squiddershins) Mac OS

Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later. Isolating an issue by using another user account. The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator that works on a range of platforms, including Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and Windows. Hoard is a drop-in replacement for malloc that can dramatically improve application performance, especially for multithreaded programs running on multiprocessors and multicore CPUs. The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator that works on a range of platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Hoard is a drop-in replacement for malloc that can dramatically improve application performance, especially for multithreaded programs running on multiprocessors and multicore CPUs. Hoard is a memory manager enhancing malloc function for multi-threaded softwares. It is designed to replace transparently the default system malloc.

by Pierre-Yves Landuré — last modified Dec 06, 2017 04:32

Hoard is a memory manager enhancing malloc function for multi-threaded softwares. It is designed to replace transparently the default system malloc.

This howto is tested on :

  • Debian 7.0 Wheezy
  • Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

This howto is tested with these versions of Hoard :

  • 3.9
  • 3.10


Install the needed softwares :

Download the software latest version:

Go to the sources folder :

Detect the system architecture :

Compile the software version fitting the system architecture :

Install the software :

Exit the sources folder :

Delete the downloaded files :


Use Hoard to optimize a given software (replace /usr/bin/software by the optimized command):

If wished, setup the system to use Hoard as default memory manager (dangerous, reboot needed) :


  • Thanks to Hoard (en) developers (Hoard on GitHub).

The Corpora and Tagging Data

Table of Contents

The Basics

Getting Started

Table of Contents

System Requirements

Java Requirements

If you don't have Java installed at all, or if yourversion of Java is earlier than 1.4, or if you have problems when you tryto run WordHoard, go to Sun's web site anddownload and install Sun's latest version of Java for Windows. The latestversion as of this writing is Version 6 Update 17 (aka Java 1.6 update 17).

For best results, if you already have an old version of Java on yourWindows computer, remove the old version before you install the newversion. Run the 'Add or Remove Programs' control panel and remove both'Java 2 Runtime Environment' and 'Java Web Start'.

UNIX users should check Sun's web site forthe proper version of Java for their version of UNIX.

Hoard It (squiddershins) Mac Os X

For Linux users, we recommend Sun's JRE 6 version ofJava. This version fixes a bug in earlier Linux releases which sometimescaused unexpected internal errors in WordHoard. https://downjfiles162.weebly.com/triggerman-multiplayer-mac-os.html.

Font Requirements

You might like to try the Gentium font, available at the Gentium Web Site. Gentium was designed for use withmultilingual applications like WordHoard. You can download free versionsfor the Mac, Windows, and Linux. If you have Gentium installed on yoursystem, WordHoard uses it by default.

If you use a Linux system, you should install Gentium. On most Linuxsystems, the built-in fonts cannot display all of the characters used byWordHoard, especially the many Polytonic Greek accented letters.

See also: Font Preferences

How to Run the Program

When Web Start downloads WordHoard to your computer, it saves a copy ina special system 'cache' directory on your hard drive. The next time yourun the program, Web Start runs it directly from the cache, so you don'thave to wait for it to download again.

Each time you run WordHoard, Web Start checks to see if there is a newversion available. If there is, the new version is automaticallydownloaded. So you are always kept up-to-date. You don't have to worryabout checking for new versions yourself, downloading them, or running anykind of installer.

When Web Start is downloading files, it presents a progress dialog thatlooks like the following:

The Security Warning

WordHoard wants the same rights as any other typical applicationprogram you run on your machine. WordHoard needs to establishnetwork connections to remote servers for database access andsession control, and to allow access to your local disk drives inorder to install itself and store your preferences. If you useWordHoard scripts,those let you do whatever any typical programming language lets you do.

Hoard It! (Squiddershins) Mac OS

WordHoard cannot subvert any system privileges you already have inplace. The warning about WordHoard requesting unrestricted accesswhich appears on some systems is misleading (and unfortunately, wecan't change that text). This warning just indicates thatWordHoard does not impose any restrictions on system access beyondthose your system configuration sets.It is possible for a Java program to disallow access to the network,system clipboard, local files, and so on. Such restrictionsare useful when writing browser-based Java applets.They don't make sense for a regular desktop application like WordHoard.

If you receive an error message on a Windows system like'Missing signed entry in resource', e.g,'Missing signed entry in resource: http://wordhoard.northwestern.edu/client/mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar',your version of Java Web Start is not handling WordHoard updates correctly.This problem seems to happen most often on systems running a version of Javaolder than 1.4.2, or one of the test releases of Java 1.6 .

Sherwood forest games. Try to uninstall WordHoard. Press the 'Start' button, choose'Settings', then 'Control Panel', then 'Add or Remove Programs.' Scrolldown the list of programs and check if WordHoard appearsin the list. If so, highlight WordHoard and press the 'Change/Remove'button. After a few moments, WordHoard should disappear from the list.Close the 'Add or Remove Programs' and 'Control Panel' windows.You may now Download and Run WordHoard.You should no longer see the 'Missing signed entry' error.

If WordHoard does not appear in the 'Add or Remove Programs' window,you can uninstall WordHoard using the Java Application Cache Manager.Select the 'Run' command in the 'Start' menu and type the following command: How to disable webcam on macbook pro.

Press the OK button. This should open theJava Application Cache Manager program. If it does not,your version of Java is too old.Please install a newer version of Javaand download WordHoard again.

The Java Application Cache Manager displays a tabbed panel withentries 'User' and 'System.' Select 'User.' WordHoard should appear inthe list of programs. Highlight WordHoard in the list and pressthe 'Remove Selected Application' button.This uninstalls WordHoard. Close the Java Application Cache Manager andDownload and Run WordHoard again.

If these approaches fail, please uninstall your current version ofJava andinstall a newer version of Java.You may thenDownload and Run WordHoardagain. You will also need to reinstall any other Web Start applications.

Saving a Desktop Version

Press the OK button. Thisshould open the Java Application Cache Manager program. If it does not,your version of Java is too old.Please install a newer version of Javaand download WordHoard again.

The Java Application Cache Manager displays a tabbed panel withentries 'User' and 'System.' Select 'User.' WordHoard should appear inthe list of programs. Highlight WordHoard in the list.

Select 'Install shortcuts' from the Application menu item(the text may differ a bit depending which release of Java you haveinstalled). The WordHoard icon should now appear on the desktop.If this doesn't work, please update Javaand try again.

Web Start on Unix systems may not allow you to save a desktop version.You can always start WordHoard from theDownload and Run WordHoard link.

The Site Selection Dialog

Hoard It (squiddershins) Mac Os Update

The Loading Dialog

Hoard It (squiddershins) Mac Os Download

The number at the bottom ticks up each second. It can take 5-20 seconds for the program to load, before the first window appears (the Table of Contents window). As the dialog says, please be patient.

Hoard It (squiddershins) Mac Os Catalina

The Corpora and Tagging Data

Table of Contents

The Basics